Relieve Testing Bottlenecks
Get an Automated Tracking System for High Testing Demands
Laboratories need to ensure that they can keep up with high demand, which can turn inefficient workflows into a nightmare without the help of automation. Having a LIS system that offers a tracking system to ensure you know where each sample is in its testing cycle is a must for labs trying to reach high volumes. This is why LIS system that offers a complete LIS package is a must when trying to take on high demands.
Without a complete LIS your lab will be held back from completing high volumes. Comp Pro Med offers a complete customizable package that allows your lab to adapt to new testing guidelines.
Get a Consultation with Our LIS Experts to learn how:
- Polytech can be deployed in weeks not months
- Your LIS can be customized to fit your needs
- Polytech LIS can adapt to new testing routines
- Easy it is to modify Polytech LIS
About Comp Pro Med
For four decades, Comp Pro Med has focused on developing a world-class laboratory information system. CPM has wide-ranging experience providing LIS solutions for individual labs and hospitals to networks of governmental medical facilities.
The Polytech LIS expedites patient records, interfaces with any application or instrument, automates data collection and reporting, with no downtime and in compliance with state and federal regulations.
Our focused customer-driven approach combines our state-of-the-art feature-rich Polytech clinical laboratory information system with superior support from seasoned system engineers. Our expertise includes not only continuous development of the Polytech LIS to incorporate the latest technology and regulatory requirements, but also direct interfaces that seamlessly connect your LIS with analyzers, instruments and other systems such as reference laboratories, HIS, EMR, EHR, billing and practice management systems.