Polytech LIS Offers ICD-10 Codes Well Before Required Deadline
Remaining on top of updated medical requirements, like the use of ICD-10 codes, is one of the benefits of working with a smaller team dedicated to select laboratory software offerings. Among the other advantages is the ability to remain responsive and flexible, which is what allowed us to update the Polytech LIS software to use ICD-10 coding months ago, well ahead of the HIPAA deadline (which is currently October 1st, 2013).
The US is a very late adapter to this classification system. It is the only industrialized nation that has still not nationally transitioned to its use. Many medical facilities put off the change due to the training and information required to update. This is largely a mistake. Professionals have noted that it may take years to fully come up to speed with the ICD-10 changes, and the sooner facilities can start, the better. Current technology, namely laboratory and hospital software, will help immensely. Even so, many LIS and EHR providers have been putting off updating their systems, hoping that their Band-Aid bridge solutions will keep clients on the hook until the deadline finally hits, at which point big changes will need to be made, and perhaps brand new systems implemented. Our advice: don’t wait.
Upgrading to ICD-10
Upgrading to the ICD-10 codes is not some meaningless decision. It will have very real benefits to the medical community (and patients) at large. The current ICD-9 codes are 30 years old and woefully outdated. They don’t account for modern medical technology, and a number of procedures don’t have an accurate code to cover them. This new classification will increase specificity and reduce the likelihood of error, not to mention make everything easier to track. The upgrade is most definitely a positive, and long-awaited, move. For more great information about ICD-10, check out this AHIMA section.
Are you currently using a system that has been completely upgraded to ICD-10 codes, or are you still waiting for that update to come through? Does your provider have an estimated time frame? If not, we suggest you consider a system like Polytech that currently meets the future requirements and begin transitioning NOW, rather than later. Best to do it while there’s still some wiggle-room for the learning curve, rather than face being tossed into the deep end when the time comes.
We are always happy to help answer questions or work with you to figure out how to make our very flexible interface solutions fit your needs. Don’t be left behind — start your transition as soon as possible. Not only for your sake, but for the sake of your employees and patients.
For any additional information, a free demo, or a personalized quote, please contact us!